Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Very Satisfying News!

I just got word from Tanzania through Plan Canada that the primary school for which we raised funds is nearing completion. In fact, it is expected that the completed classrooms will be handed over to the school for use by the students this week! We raised about 25% of the amount required for the new classrooms and with the help of a partner, the project has been completed.

This will go a long way to alleviating the overcrowding situation at the school and will mean that the students will not have to be educated in shifts so they will receive a better education. From our observation when we are there, the children will be very excited to have this opportunity. We will see for ourselves when we visit in February.

I am very satisfied that this part of our project is complete knowing that some kids on the other side of the world will be given a chance to fulfill their dreams. You can read more about the project by clicking on the "Classrooms at the primary school in the Mwanza region" link on the right.

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