Well, no it wasn't intended to be. However, I accidentally clicked on "Funny" at the bottom where you can indicate your reactions. When I realized what I had done, I clicked it again to get rid of it. It doesn't work that way. In fact, I don't think you can get rid of it. Once it is done, you are committed! Now it appears that two people thought my blog post was funny, although I thought it was very serious.
Be careful what you click on!
Barry and Chris Finlay from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada successfully climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in January 2009 and have since raised enough money, in conjunction with Plan Canada, to provide access to clean water and classrooms for a community in Tanzania. They are now embarking on a project to help youth and women ages 15-24 in Tanzania to establish businesses. Read about their journey in their book, Kilimanjaro and Beyond. This Blog describes upcoming events and how you can help.
That explains it!